Caldo inverno

People walk across Red Square, with the Kremlin's Spasskaya (Saviour) Tower (R) and St. Basil's Cathedral (L) seen in the background, in central Moscow on December 22, 2015. The temperatures in the Russian capital reached today 6 C (42 F).

People walk across Red Square, with the Kremlin's Spasskaya (Saviour) Tower (R) and St. Basil's Cathedral (L) seen in the background, in central Moscow on December 22, 2015. The temperatures in the Russian capital reached today 6 C (42 F).

AFP/East News
La Piazza Rossa ancora senza neve, illuminata da un timido sole invernale. A Mosca infatti le temperature sembrano non voler scendere (+6 gradi). E il termometro continua a registrare un “caldo” record per la stagione

La Piazza Rossa ancora senza neve, illuminata da un timido sole invernale. A Mosca infatti le temperature sembrano non voler scendere (+6 gradi). E il termometro continua a registrare un “caldo” record per la stagione

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